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It’s official…

3 Jul

Randi and Gabrielle live in each others’ brains. Even in a bumpy car we can draw 100 images that immediately register as one simple noun to each other (even if no one else gets it.)


Day 2: the Carolinas

3 Jul

Today was epically more exciting than day one. We drove into the region of America that activated our super cool road trip app. As a result we managed to find oversized statues of Daniel Boone and Paul Bunyan (and drain an iPhone battery in under two hours.)

We took a slight detour to meet Wild Bill- a lifelong cowboy, old Western Picture star, and the mastermind behind the Shadow Hawk Old Western backyard set (you can see him in this post walking besides me in front of the Sheriff’s department.) After a tour of the Saloon, General Market, Jail, Gazette and Church we found ourselves getting chased out of the whores’ bedrooms above the bar by a nest of angry wasps- better than getting chased out by an angry whore!


Back on the highway we noticed the grass was on fire so we decided to push on through North Carolina until we were South of the Border!! We fed Pedro by buying ice cream and I pretended Tori was a creature from a sci-fi film and beat her with an oversized fly swatted (note no Toris were harmed in the making of this blog.)



Now we are taking a few days to rest and enjoy South Carolina, the 8th state we’ve been through in 2 days. Get ready for BBQ y’all.

-the Gringo Gaucho

Photographic proof

3 Jul

Just in case you wanted to see for yourself.



Day 1: Nothing to See Here Folks

3 Jul

Yesterday was the first leg of the road trip. We started off in CT and traveled the long way to Scarsdale. Then we headed over to NYC to pick up Katie, where we took the picture of us leaning against the trunk. NYC also provided us with the opportunity to witness a man in a pink suit and pink shoes and a man standing with a crack pipe in front of “Crack is Wack” park.
After that, we drove through Jerseywhich A) takes freakin forever, and B) is super boring and smelly. Jersey did provide us with the Thomas Edison rest stop for food, for which we are forever grateful.
In between NJ and VA there was tons of 90’s music, circling around and around a roundabout in MD, a stop at Burger King , some reading on celebrity gossip and the discovery that the South is the home to 3 types of “world’s largest chairs” and the worlds largest frying pan. We are planning to see at least some of among other oddities. Off to SC we go!

-Casually Kissin Cowboys


3 Jul
