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13 Jul

Our blog just officially hit 100 views in one day!! What started as a silly venture to keep our families and loved ones informed of our adventures and remember all of the ridiculous things that occurred over these 3 weeks on the road has turned into an international sensation (no really, there were 7 hits for today before midnight so people in future time zones are reading as well!)

So as a thank you to our devoted readers we want to share one of our favorite YouTube videos (first viewed somewhere in South Carolina but imitated in just about every state since!)

PS: Pete, we are all excited to see your version when we get back to the city!

Bass Pro Shop

13 Jul

Yes, Bass Pro Shop does deserve its own post. Plus, we noticed that our readership has broken a new record (85 reads and it’s only 1:30) and we thought we’d thank you with extra ridiculousness. Luckily, we happened to stop at Bass Pro Shop so this worked out.

The reason for the season

According to the Roadside Attraction app (yours for only $3.99) there would be live alligators, which Casually Kissing Cowboys has been dying to see all trip. After a short drive through downtown Shreveport (see later blog) we ended up at Shreveport’s Bass Pro Shop. We saw alligators and Tori practiced some Top Model faces in front:


We originally weren’t going inside because come on, everyone’s been inside a Bass Pro Shop. Luckily the Gringo Gaucho was so persuasive otherwise we wouldn’t have seen this:


What followed was the best 30 minutes spent in a Bass Pro Shop in Shreveport, LA by anyone ever! And, what you’ve all been waiting for, the Teacherroadtrip Superlatives!

1) Best kisser: fake people category (and not to be confused with Best kisser: real people heh heh ):


2) Best shot for 50 cents (like the money amount not the rapper):


3) Most likely to become lost on purpose:


4) Most likely to wander off because we didn’t feed her:


Among other things, we saw renditions of natural phenomena:



and the Gringo Gaucho found her very own Alcide Herveaux lookalike, which resulted in this conversation:

Gringo Gaucho: Oh, he’s flirting with the cashier. What a player!
Suavest of the Seas: Just because there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score.

Wise words, Suavest. Unfortunately, doesn’t look like faux Alcide is heading to Memphis tonight but we can dream. Now, time for the drive to Memphis and to see Bubba’s house.
– Techtalkin and walkin’

Day 11: the REAL Texas

13 Jul

Jamba juice was the first thing on our minds as we started our day at around ten a.m. After making a juice run, we headed over to New Braunsfel Texas to go tubing. On our way there Meredith (the Queso Queen) decided to introduce us to a Texas staple: Buc-ee’s. When we first walked in, we didn’t know what to make of it. There was a wall full of candy, cheer leading outfits, a table full of brisket and a hunting section. There was also a Native American mannequin sitting in an inner tube, which Katie and Randi had mistaken for a real person at first.

After much debate over which disposable containers we should use for our adult beverages, we finally made It to rocking river toobing. Randi was very excited.

Unfortunately, iPhones and cannons aren’t water proof, so some fantastic photo opportunities were missed ie: Randi stuck in the whirlpool with her. Safari hat on, Katie looking like a geisha because she tried to apply suntan lotion to her face with wet hands, Gabrielle planking on her tube, Tori hanging onto a tree branch in order not to float down the river without the group, and Meredith doing the backstroke down the river.
After eating some delicious Texas BBQ in Gruene TX, we fit back on the road, only to be greeted by a ton of traffic. We stopped at a McDonalds, where, sadly, getting an ice caramel coffee was uneventful this time. Katie stocked up on her four required drinks for driving before we returned to the car. It turns out the extra hour and a half we spent in traffic was due to a minor fender bender and not the 1970’s hippie van that was parked on the shoulder of the road… We were disappointed.
As we continued to drive, we got to experience the REAL Texas.

Cornfields, farmers, towns that looked like they were deserted, crazy looking people in Walmart and dark back country roads…. Tim Riggins Where are you?
Now we are off to Shreveport to find Alcide Herveaux.
Laterz baby (sorry, I just finished book #2)
-Casually Kissing Cowboys