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Day 12: The Bible Belt

14 Jul

Oh my goodness. Things were HAPPENING in the Bible Belt. As we lifted our sleepy heads from the pillows of the Holliday Inn Express in Shreveport we brushed our hands across our necks to discover that we (sadly) had no vampire bite marks. I guess that abandoned looking building next door wasn’t a nest. (To hear more about werewolf lookalikes read below post!) To distract ourselves from this painful realization we detoured past the largest mural in the US- see if you can spot us below:


We then hit up the Bass Pro Shop, but again we’ve already chronicled that in a previous post (see below.)

To get to Memphis we hit the back roads so we could take in all of the cornfields:


We found the highway somewhere around Little Rock but stopped first for a lesson in Civil Rights at Central High School. We perused the museum across the street alongside a high school basketball team from Illinois-we seriously can’t escape the kids-and then marveled at the pond memorial in front of the school and wondered how the teachers at Central High keep their kids from pushing each other in before first period.


As the picture shows, 55 years later black people and white people can now get along (and buy furniture.) If you don’t get the reference watch the below video:

As soon as we hit the road we were met with overwhelming traffic, which an hour later we discovered was the cause of a massive pile up on i30. We hope everyone was ok.


We were forced to detour again and this time were pleasantly surprised to come across a beautiful Arkansas rainbow which eventually turned into a double rainbow that went clear across the highway.



We weren’t as excited as this guy:

But it was still pretty cool. Unfortunately, we did not come across a pot of gold. Reveling in this “religious” experience we were reminded of all of the things we had learned from billboards earlier in the day. We would like to take some time right now to impart some of that knowledge on you:

1) God did it!
2) God’s not mad at you.
3) Jesus Christ lord is a savior not a swear word.
4) Sin is a short word at the beginning of a very long sentence.
5) Check list of things to do today: thank God.
6) I love you I love you I love you. -God
7) Jesus is real.


There were many more but sadly we didn’t write them all down. God was clearly on our side however as we finally found “the Utah” on a license plate, only two more to go!!


Heading into Memphis we were mesmerized by the Cinderella carriages as we made our way down to Beale St. We enjoyed some real Tennessee BBQ with Katie’s friend Melissa and her husband Greg. It was around this time that we realized we were in the third city this trip that has no open container laws (get with it North!) We found ANOTHER piano bar-this time with a guy who could play piano with one hand and trumpet with the other, I was into it-but ditched out to watch this guy play a homemade guitar and some blues.




We left our mark on bar wall in the form of another dollar bill and then finally retired to our beds to listen to the drunk people try and get into their hotel rooms all morning (there is no last call in Memphis.)


