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License Plates

18 Jul

For those of you who have been holding your breath waiting for us to see license plates for all 50 states, you can finally exhale!


The final tally includes:
48 Continental States
2 Non Contiguous States
6 Mexicos
1 Guam
2 Cherokee Nations
Dozens of Ontarios
1 Nova Scotia
1 New Brunswick
2 Quebecs
1 Manitoba
1 DC
1 Unites States Government (which came with 2 kinda strange employees of the US Government who stared us down as we passed then)

Day 15: There’s a Finger in My Boot

18 Jul

So, I have included a series of pictures that depict us going about Day 15:

1. Tori vs Bread Pudding: Ordered with the main course so Tori couldn’t back out. It was a close battle but
Final score
Tori: 0, Bread Pudding: 1.


2. Randi vs. Urban Outfitters: While Tori and I read this


Randi scored some sweet new shoes. Final score
Randi: 1, Urban Outfitters: 0.

3. Gabrielle vs. Colorado
Picked up Gabrielle from BNA.
Final score
Gabrielle: 5 for a good time at the wedding
Colorado: 50 for the next day 🙂

4. Roadtrippers vs. Gatlinburg
We made it to Gatlinburg, which is amazing! Randi looked like this


This is where we stayed


Tori found these awesome specs!


Gabrielle was hit on by a fellow tourist as his son stood by. He stuck his finger in her boot! (supposedly to guess the price of them but I don’t know…)

Katie finally got a steak!

Final score
Everybody wins! We wake refreshed after falling asleep to this:

Sorry about the long delay and check back later for Dollywood! Lots of ridiculous pictures! We are currently on an 8 hour drive to D.C. so there is nothing else to do!
– Techtalkin’ and walkin’