Archive | June, 2013

Day 2: Bean Town

29 Jun

We awoke this Thursday morning to the rhythmic clicking of Casually Kissing Cowboys’ keystrokes on the iPad as she researched a place for us to stay in Quebec. We rose our weary, burnt out, teacher selves from the air mattresses and couches we were occupying and headed outside to catch a bus downtown. As we waited in the misty morning these cynical New Yorkers bombarded our gracious host with a variety of complaints. “We’re hungry!” “We need water!” “I’m stiff!” “I’m cold!”

Luckily, our host Katie (not Teck Talkin and Walkin) and Boston complied. After a delicious breakfast in an ill designed diner, we stepped onto the sidewalk to see (gasp!) the sun!

Observe here the previous gray sky in the background of this statue of George Washington wearing a Bruins jersey:


After seeing the beautiful green parks and multiple fountains in Boston Commons and the Public Gardens we made our way to the mall. Randi loves malls. Not as much as Dollywood.

We went to the top of the Prudential Building to get a better panoramic view of the city and order a pink beverage. Actually, that wasn’t planned but it made a nice picture.


Check out Randi’s “bimbo glasses.” Want to see them again? Yeah, me too:


We took some poor quality pictures on account of the glare but we will show them to you anyway.



Just so you can see what we saw. Here is the view from the top of the building followed by a picture from the street.



We hit the road again only to learn you should never try to drive out of Boston at 4 pm on a Friday afternoon in the summer. Our next host didn’t tell us what a bad idea that was until we were already stuck in gridlock traffic. Alas, with a sugar rush from our never ending supply of pez we survived and crossed over into two states Katie has never been to, NH and ME.


We arrived at Fish’s house just in time to shower before a dinner to celebrate a very special “uncle’s” birthday. The sushi restaurant accommodated us with lots of tempura fish and some mochi ice cream complete with a surprise candle and rendition of Happy Birthday which was sung through an origami mouth that had I ❤ Jed written behind it. Having trouble visualizing that?


Upon leaving the restaurant we accidentally stumbled upon the road trip attraction statue of some western director. This happened:


What happened next was a lot of 90s cover bands and dancing. It was fun, exhausting, and afterwards we all looked like this:


Overall it was a very successful birthday. So here’s to you Uncle Jed! We will see you Mainers on the return but for now we are Canada bound!

Au Revoir!
The Gringo Gaucho

Day 1: Shipping Off to Boston

28 Jun

The road trip commenced at le Château Utting. We checked out the dock, ate delicious Buffalo chicken dip, and homemade root beer. When Suavest of the Seas finally arrived (because 1:00 and 3:00 are clearly the same thing.) we
got on the road to stop at our first road side attraction (wait for it) The Pez Factory in orange CT! (We were psyched about it too)There was a timeline with the history of Pez, starting in Austria. There was also an interactive quiz game that proved that Tech Walkin’ and Talkin’ is a Pez genius with an impressive score of 19/20, while Casually Kissing cowboys had a measly score of 8 (although in her defense, she played on expert). After collectively buying enough Pez to host 10 children’s birthday parties, we hopped back in the car to continue our journey north.
When we finally made it to Bean Town, after listening to every song Britney Spears has ever made and the depressing yet nostalgic 90’s summer hits, such as Jumper and Mr. Jones. We found out that we were going to crash a going away party for a French girl we had never met. (rude New Yorkers). We were okay with the idea as long as there was food involved. We became antisocial while we chomped down some food and kept ordering drinks so we could stay at the booth.
At midnight, we headed home after lengthy conversations about hard limits, human eating snakes, and Cuban pride. Our last thought was that we were going to be homeless in Quebec and then decided that we would deal with it in the morning.
See you on the flip side.
casually kissing cowboys
Ps. Don’t worry Ken, we are working on it.

Addressing the concerns of the people

27 Jun

I’d like to take a moment before we hit the open road to address some of the grumblings I’ve heard since we last posted. In the last few months I’ve heard questions:

Did you make it home alive?
Why did you just stop posting?
Whatever happened to that chocolate croissant, it sounded delicious!?

Well listen friends, it ain’t over till the fat lady sings. So until we’ve tasted every authentic, fried food America has to offer and are singing a glee worthy mash-up of country and hip hop, we shall carry on. We will not grant you the finality of a concluding post until we’ve done it all.

The summer is upon us, the uncharted territory is vast, and we’ve been set loose by the DOE. Grab your passports kids because this summer we’re crossing borders!!

Until we meet again,
The Gringo Gaucho

PS: For those of you who have been waiting (Uncle Brian)…


Guess who’s back!

27 Jun

I know that it is 3:00 in the morning but I am suffering from my usual bout of insomnia and decided to try out the WordPress app on my new phone. Tomorrow, (technically today) your favorite roadtrippin’ ladies will be embarking on le road trip part deux to the northeast and parts of Canada. Stay tuned for all of the excitement, scenic pictures, and ridiculous adventures.
-Casually Kissing Cowboys (or Canadians).
*cheers to another successful road trip.