Day 3: Portland, ME

1 Jul

Hello readers, sorry for the delay but with our action-packed Quebec adventure, we got a little behind with the blogging. Day 3 got off to a little bit of a late start as we recovered from a late night involving live music, Dominos pizza (with no garlic sauce, much to the Gringo Gaucho’s chagrin), and Super Troopers. We drove back into Portland and got some brunch at a place that featured the best artwork seen on any of our road trips:


Then, our gracious host, Josh, got to show us around the shopping area. Mostly he waited patiently while we looked at all things “Maine kitsch.” We found another thing to do “for the kids” before we grabbed a drink overlooking the harbor and soaked up the Maine sun.



Then we hopped on the road to Canada. And because it was the first time I was driving on the road trip, this happened:

Now, our long term followers will remember how I masterfully maneuvered last year’s crazy Sourthern thunderstorm, which included red sheet lightning and huge trucks splashing waves of water onto our car.

As someone who has a healthy respect for summer thunderstorms and consider Southern storms to be among the craziest all I have to say is, Maine don’t play.

We showed the people of Maine that it’s okay to pull over when the weather is too crazy and once it cleared we proceeded toward the border. It gets quite pretty up in Maine and we caught some great pictures (although not of the moose that was in the middle of the road).



Courtesy of CKC

We finally pulled up to the border (no pics allowed) where we were allowed through with very little fuss. My question is, why do you automatically feel guilty when asked questions by police? I have no idea why I had to think twice about whether or not I had ever been arrested (Mom, the answer is still no). Then, we realized that we had not thought ahead as we all turned off our phones and had no idea how to get to Quebec City. Luckily, the Gringo Gaucho’s mother’s voice rang out (at least in GG’s head): “Why don’t you use the GPS?” Thank goodness because we don’t even have maps in the car.

Things changed drastically at the border. The landscape changed to farmland, the signs became extremely detailed, and I could no longer read anything. Still driving is driving and we made it to Quebec City. After a quick trip to McDonalds we settled in for the night and prepared for our first day in Canada.



And here is what we listened on our drive up to Canada:

You’re welcome.

Until next time,
Techtalkin’ and walkin’

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