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International Sensation

2 Jul

Hey ya’ll! Check out all the countries that have been tuning into our blog!


Day 5: SOA Montreal

2 Jul


We didn’t do too much today since everything seemed to take much longer than it should have. We started with breakfast in Quebec City near the Old City. It was delicious, although it took 40 minutes and 4 waiters to get my cup of coffee. After breakfast we continued our search for Canadian cash which proved to be just as difficult as the previous evening. It’s like they don’t want Americans to have their hands on Canadian bills. Where’s the loonies at?

Eventually, Techtalkin’ and Walkin’ located a banque and we were able to withdraw enough bills to pay to get our car out of the lot. We crossed the River St Lawrence and headed into the wilderness.


We hit the Canadian highway and noticed immediately that the landscape very closely resembled Texas…so we listened to the Dixie Chicks. We learned last summer that they really like country music there.


The rest of the afternoon was pretty much the same, except for the really exciting stretch of the highway in which we were weaving in and out of traffic with a Canadian motorcycle gang. The following picture doesn’t do a great job of showing how many of them were on the road, but is a testament to the highly organized and efficient manner in which MC clubs maneuver traffic. Jax would be proud.



While listening to Tori’s 90s playlist (because that’s what the iPod wanted) we reminisced all of our first CDs. In an effort to raise “class participation” we would like to engage you in the following activity. We are going to list 4 CDs and would like you to comment back by matching each road tripper to their first CD. This is an experiment to see how willing you are to play with us. If we get a lot of responses we promise to try and include more interactive actives in the days to come. The CDs are:

1) The Spice Girls Spice
2) The Fugees The Score
3) No Doubt Tragic Kingdom
4) Toni Braxton Secrets

and in case you’ve forgotten, we are:

1) The Suavest of the Seas
2) The Gringo Gaucho
3) Techtalkin and Walkin
4) Casually Kissing Cowboys

Arriving in Montreal, we found our residence for the next two days, an unfinished apartment building. Fortunately, our actual apartment was completed and furnished, even if the elevator was not.


We call him Cheeba Charlie.

We left to explore downtown Montreal, which led us to the delicious Burger Bar on a terrace overlooking one of Montreals pub lined streets. The food was delicious, as Randi said, “I could eat this chicken sandwich every day of my life.” The conversation was richer though as Randi and I planned two alternative bachelorette parties for Katie. One involves Vegas, the other Sanoma, but both include a road trip. We plan on pitching our official itineraries to Katie via prezi when we return to NYC. Thoughts?

While eating, we noticed a promising roof top bar across the way so concluding dinner we headed up to sit on the couches below the heat lamps (yes, heat lamps in July, welcome to Canada!) We were enjoying ourselves immensely, especially after it began to drizzle and they pulled a special awning over us, until an Alan Alda lookalike came over, poured us four glasses of Veuve Cliquot and then slurred a bunch of incomprehensible words to us while asking if he could join our party. We declined, and then ran to the street only to later wonder, “could that have actually been Alan Alda?”



We really hope not. Anyway, it’s time for bed so we can thoroughly explore Montreal tomorrow.

À demain!
The Gringo Gaucho