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Day 8: We are the crazy people

5 Jul

The title of this post is due to this odd song playing in the music tent while I’m writing this blog post outside in hot and sunny Maine. Yesterday was the 4th of July (America F* yeah!) After five hours of driving and getting stuck behind a Christmas in July parade for an hour in a tiny town that offered a bacon and egg sandwich on a glazed donut (really New Hampshire? Do you want to kill your clientele? Yet another bad business model. You are supposed to entice the customer to come back.)

We rediscovered big red gum, which is now $.35! Back in my day, gum only cost a quarter. This gas station also has magazines with Channing Tatum and Alcide from True Blood to provide us with eye candy and a discussion of how Suavest of the Seas used to hang Usher’s picture on her bunk and say “usher, usher” while doing a shoulder shrug like he used to do in his videos. As you can imagine, this is went over well at her summer camp. There was also this interesting sign above the bathroom which made us unsure if we had to clean the bathroom in order to use it.

After picking up groceries, we headed to the campsite and were greeted by a ton of cars and a ginormous dog named Tito.

Our second fireworks show of the trip commenced with a rocky start, but the boys soon found their groove and put on a show worthy of Burlington. Towards the end, we became concerned when they started going off near the ground and we began biting our nails with anxiety as “Bombs over Bagdad” played in our head (everybody is fine).

The night ended with a bonfire, singing Counting Crows with acoustic guitar, and enjoying the thousands of stars and the Milky Way that we could see at midnight (unfortunately, despite the amazing iPhone, no camera can quite capture it but you can use your imagination.)

All in all a great fourth of July despite the Mosquitos. Sleeping under the stars in a tent with Tito’s snoring as white noise, a cool breeze and bottles of water from our best friend Dunkin Donuts. It’s all a girl could ask for. Happy birthday America!

❤ casually kissing cowboys