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Day 9: Family Tradition

6 Jul

So readers, it’s time for our favorite numbers game. Now, if you use these numbers and win the lottery try to remember your favorite road trippers when you’re doling out the dough.

13 – hours of restful reading, chatting, and hanging out in various parts of central Maine


2 – number of entertainment magazines that were read (all road trippers were happy to catch up on the celebrity gossip they had missed while traveling out of the country)


180 – pounds of friendly puppy Tito. This is only an estimate and really Casually Kissing Cowboys would know better as Tito loved standing, sitting, and laying at and on her feet



22 – number of states the road trippers have traveled together.

10 – Olympic score I would give our master kayakers, Suavest of the Seas (at her Suaviest in any camp counselor situation) and the Gringo Gaucho (who can paddle backwards and turn around without getting dumped underwater – family members take note 🙂




25-24 final score of the volleyball where the Gringo Gaucho and I were on the comeback team that finally succumbed to the other team… As we have no pictures or videos I have provided a video that has players comparable to our skills

Okay, we were somewhere between that an this:

90 – number of mosquito bites sustained by the road trippers up in vacationland (seriously itchy right now)

Only one more day on this road trip as we travel back to the mid-Atlantic. Thanks to the Gringo Gaucho’s family for including us in their family tradition.


Till next time,
Techtalkin’ and walkin’