Day 11: We survived Moab (not yet)

13 Jul

We woke up to the crisp autumn air of Steamboat Springs… No, seriously, it was only 38 degrees. We also slept for 10 hours because we were apparently super exhausted and knew we needed to charge up before our camping/hiking denouement to our Southwest Roadtrip.

We found some Starbucks and grabbed some kale bowls for the road and proceeded to drive 4.5 hours to Moab, Utah. 

Other than listening to yet another musical (Les Mis) the trip was mostly uneventful although the landscape changed from cool, green mountains to hot, dusty desert.

We found the Moab KOA and for the first time since Vegas we saw another Jucy Van (in fact we saw four other Jucy Vans!). #jucyfriends

Once we checked into our KOA, we decided to do a sunset hike to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park. Delicate Arch is apparently the most famous arch in the world and is featured on the Utah license plate. We hiked 1.5 miles uphill on a well populated path and arrived at the arch just as the sun dipped behind the nearby rock walls. 

We didn’t stay long because navigating a steep trail in the dark wasn’t appealing and we managed to make it back to our car just as it got dark. We saw many hikers starting their hike, including a teen group (we can’t get away!) with shirts that stated, “We survived Moab!” All we could think was maybe they should wait until after the night hike to wear the shirts. 

We felt we had earned a large, carb-filled dinner so we stopped at Pasta Jay’s (pasta!, pasta!, pasta!). Twelve hours and fifty degrees after our day started, we rolled back into the massive KOA and tried to sleep in the heat. Tune in tomorrow to see if WE survived Moab! 

-TechTalkin and Walkin

#teacherroadtrip #jucyworld #southwest #roadtrip #teachers

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