Day 16: Hiking and Highrolling

17 Jul

Ahhhh… Our last night in the Jucy van… It was a fairly typical night in the Cedar City KOA although we did have to set an alarm so we could beat the crowds at Zion. 

We pulled into the visitor center parking lot around 9:15 and jumped in line to take the Zion Shuttle to the Temple of Sinawava. We decided to take the Riverside Walk to the Narrows and walk a little ways up the Virgin River. This part of Zion was beautiful as the river creates a “swamp” in the middle of the Utah Desert. We got to use different muscles as we walked upriver over rocks and through currents, testing our balance and ankle strength (#functionalfitness).

On our way back to the visitor center we tried a shorter and more traditional hike to the lower Emerald Pools and discovered that although the pools were brown, they were named for the green algae that grew on the walls due to the water that ran down the walls.

Views from the trail:

We stopped at the Whiptail Cafe for some delicious salads and tacos (and water!) before returning to Vegas to conclude our road trip. As we drove across the windy plain (Suavest of the Seas and the Gringo Gaucho worked out their forearms trying to keep our Jucyvan from being blown all over the road) we experienced the huge change in temperature and prepared to say goodbye to our trusty Jucy van (#byejucy).

We ubered to our last stop on this trip, the Aria (#highrollers #wemadeit) 

and waited for 2 hours as the maintenance man installed a door lock on our bathroom door (we didn’t even get upgraded to the Presidential Suite!). However, once that was taken care of, we found our way to the Bardot Brasserie for a four-course meal (so delicious!).

Although we had been put on a list for the hottest nightclub in Vegas (at least in the Aria) we decided that with our early day, hiking, time change, and delicious meal, it was time for bed (#thisis30). Stay tuned for our final tallies and last day in Vegas!

-TechTalkin’ and Walkin’

#teacherroadtrip #jucyworld #southwest #roadtrip #teachers

One Response to “Day 16: Hiking and Highrolling”

  1. Barbra Utting July 18, 2016 at 5:47 am #

    The pictures throughout your trip were amazing.

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