Tag Archives: Gatlinburg

Day 15: There’s a Finger in My Boot

18 Jul

So, I have included a series of pictures that depict us going about Day 15:

1. Tori vs Bread Pudding: Ordered with the main course so Tori couldn’t back out. It was a close battle but
Final score
Tori: 0, Bread Pudding: 1.


2. Randi vs. Urban Outfitters: While Tori and I read this


Randi scored some sweet new shoes. Final score
Randi: 1, Urban Outfitters: 0.

3. Gabrielle vs. Colorado
Picked up Gabrielle from BNA.
Final score
Gabrielle: 5 for a good time at the wedding
Colorado: 50 for the next day 🙂

4. Roadtrippers vs. Gatlinburg
We made it to Gatlinburg, which is amazing! Randi looked like this


This is where we stayed


Tori found these awesome specs!


Gabrielle was hit on by a fellow tourist as his son stood by. He stuck his finger in her boot! (supposedly to guess the price of them but I don’t know…)

Katie finally got a steak!

Final score
Everybody wins! We wake refreshed after falling asleep to this:

Sorry about the long delay and check back later for Dollywood! Lots of ridiculous pictures! We are currently on an 8 hour drive to D.C. so there is nothing else to do!
– Techtalkin’ and walkin’